Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 2

Sweet Mountain Air

Okay, back to the trip. Seems like a long time ago now; I might have waited too long to write much of anything thoughtful.

Here's what I remember from Day 2: We drove from Buffalo to our hotel in New Hampshire.

I can't remember a lot of the details. What I do remember is this: Clementine, our car's female-voiced GPS, routed us through Vermont into New Hampshire. We were only in Vermont for about 20 minutes...must have driven through the skinny part, but it was here that the scenery started to get a lot more picturesque. My favorite memory was, a while after we crossed the New Hampshire state line and were driving on back-road highways, we turned off the AC and rolled down the windows.

You know you've been in the city too long when rolling down your windows in New Hampshire becomes your favorite memory for that day. There was this cool moisture in the air that just smelled so clean and felt so good to breathe. I just remember Sara and me explaining to the boys that what was coming through their windows was sweet mountain air.

Oh yeah, we then stopped in this tiny college town at a pizza place for dinner. Had a pizza with feta cheese, chicken, tomatoes, and greek olives. It was good.

We got to our hotel pretty late, got the kids to bed, unloaded the car, and crashed.

1 comment:

  1. "You know you're getting old when . . . " you start using a female's name to describe your car, or in this case, your car's GPS system! OMGsh; too funny! I'm sure Clementine was much obliged to assist!

    Concerning New England - - there's nothing that compares to that fresh mountain air - - unless it's an ocean breeze! What a great vacation opportunity for you all; so glad you got to go.

    Oh yeah, another one can tell when someone is getting old is when they mention (describe-in-detail) what they had to eat in their communication! LOL Sorry Dan, can't resist. Please forgive me! Love, Mom :-))
