Sunday, May 31, 2009

Man, I'm Terrible

Okay, so I know I'm about as far behind on this blog promise as I could possibly be...It gives me the same feeling of a recurring nightmare I've had since the college days where I'm signed up for a class but have forgotten about it and only just remember it's there right at the end of the semester. So here I am, showing up for the final, hoping there's some way I can keep from failing.

Nonetheless, my aim is to have 52 posts here by the end of 2009, and it's almost June, and I'm almost halfway there, so I guess I'm doing alright. Sort of. I think the problem is that I really don't feel like writing about life's events (Sara covers that well enough for both of us), and I just am not feeling all that inspired to write anything thoughtful all too often. But I also know it really isn't fair to just post videos of guys falling out of chairs and count those as posts.

So I'm going to commit myself to this entry a week from here on out.


  1. Good, because I like reading.

    But just for the record, guys falling out of chairs are pretty funny, too. :-)

    Love you!

  2. Wow. I used to have that same dream.
    I love reading your posts and what you have to say, but the guy falling out of the chair was a hit. Anne loved it and we showed it to Grandma, Grandpa, and Mimi and they liked it too.
    love ya,
