Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So this month has been a tough one. Tough but good in some tough, but good, ways. As of about 4:30 on Monday, we got our grant application submitted, and I am finally getting some time to breathe. Ahhh.

I took the day off today and spent it with the boys. It was a busy day...First, we went to the zoo. We got there nice and early...there were seriously only 8 or 9 other cars in the lot when we parked. (Then about 20 buses filled with school children with varying levels of obnoxiousness pulled up, but I digress.) We were the second group through the admission gate and headed straight to the new dinosaur exhibit. It was pretty cool...they are all animatronic(?). Gabe and Caleb enjoyed them. Gabe needed reassurance regularly, though. He kept asking me to confirm that the new ones we'd see weren't real. The family play zoo was cool, too. No obnoxious school children there, so it was very pleasant. Gabe and Caleb had a blast playing in the Lemur area, playing and talking with a staff person there. I'll add some pics at the end. That's a lemur tail Gabe is wearing.

Caleb was so thankful for time at the zoo, he showed his appreciation by falling asleep on the way home and napping for 3 hours this afternoon.

While Caleb napped, Gabe and I did a little cleaning in the kitchen, cleaned out the van, and prepared the soil in the garden, even got about a third of it planted. This is our first year trying to do everything from seed, so we'll see how it turns out.

It was a good day. I can't say that I'm looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. I'm really not. But it was good to get this day away to get refreshed a bit.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had a relaxing day with the boys. You deserve it after all the work you have had to do lately. The new exhibit at the zoo looks cool. I'm anxious to hear how your seeds do. I've started some of mine too.
    love ya,
