Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Caleb & Me being Caleb & Me

Last night, I had a long talk with Caleb about the importance of discovering his gifts and talents so that he can use them some day to serve others. To provide an example, I demonstrated one of my skills. This video features an excerpt from our conversation.

I just love that kid's laugh. The best thing is how, after our talk, Caleb comes and puts both of his hands on my mouth and blows a slobbery raspberry right in my face. He's a fun kid.


  1. What a cutey! I love his laugh too! Love, Ruth

  2. I love his laugh and his hat. Glad you all are still healthy.
    love ya,

  3. Just discovered your blog via Christina's blog...anyway, Daniel heard this video and came running. Made him bust a gut. Thanks for introducing the raspberry to him :-)
    And Jake was looking at the pictures with you that you posted of Sara standing near the tree and said, "ooo, cute!" Please pass it along to her. Sounds like you guys had fun! ~Amy
