Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Can I Just Say...

Regardless of where you stand politically, can I just say that there was a lot of beauty in today's events? I think I got one of the best seats in the country for the inauguration...I sat in on the assembly of K-8th graders at the school housed at Circle, here on the West Side of Chicago. I'd have to say that this student population is 99.7% African American, and as we all know they had never seen a president who looked like them...until today. It's hard for me to articulate my thoughts on this, but it was a thing of beauty...even if our country's history denies the dignity of a group of people and through historic exclusion and injustice tells them what they can and cannot be...man, just a wonderful thing seeing this historic barrier destroyed. Something very just and beautiful about this.


  1. How special that you were able to witness this with your students. You did have one of the best seats in the country!! I can't help but cry every time I see scenes from the Inauguration. It is truly wonderful.

  2. Tag, you're it. The rules are on my blog. :-)

