Sunday, January 18, 2009

Boring project cookie

Okay, I realize (Sara) that I'm a week behind, so you'll get two posts from me in the coming 7 days.

So today, we told Gabe he could have a fortune cookie (leftover from Chinese takeout from Friday night) after he ate his breakfast. For breakfast, he said he wanted plain oatmeal, which I warned him, wasn't very tasty like his favorite: maple & brown sugar. So, when he tasted it and didn't like it, I added brown sugar and pancake syrup to it (which is quite tasty), and Gabe refused to taste it. Sidenote: He's on a big kick where if he isn't sure about a given food, he refuses to taste it b/c "I don't like it."

Anyway, so I tell him that he needs to at least taste it if he wants his fortune cookie, and he refuses. So, I tell him I'm putting the fortune cookie, which he keeps referring to as a "project cookie," away in a cupboard. And he exclaims in a sing-song way, "BO-RING!" His tone was more fitting for "That's ridiculous, Daddy. I don't like your strong arm tactics..." But, while he apparently doesn't know the definition of "boring," he knows it has a negative connotation, and that made it good enough. It made me laugh.Probably a you had to be there thing, but I owed a post anyway.

On another exciting note, our Neon is broken down, parked at the El parking by my work...Erg.

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