Thursday, December 18, 2008

An Affordable Gift

So, my wife, a textbook blog-a-holic, has been after me for months to blog consistently. I tell her she's free to read my journal or just talk to me if she wants to know what's happening in my life or in my head, but she can't read my handwriting in my journal, and I guess getting a front row seat to my life isn't informative enough. Admittedly, I'm not much of a talker, more of a thinker, and probably, for that reason, more of a writer.

On top of this, we had to get our transmission rebuilt in our minivan, so Christmas shopping money is a bit slim this year. So, Merry Christmas, Sara. One of your gifts from me will be the commitment to add some kind of entry, one per week, for the following year. I hope you like it. I love you.

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