Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Gabie and Miracles

Gabie and I have been reading in this children's Bible the last several nights at bedtime. We've been focusing on stories about Jesus, and I'm really enjoying his response to a lot of what we read and talk about. The other night, one of the stories we read was a paraphrase of when Jesus miraculously feeds a multitude using 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish contributed by a boy in the crowd. I love that, even as a 3 year old, Gabe isn't taking what he hears at face value. He wants to understand how it worked. He was like, "How'd [Jesus] do that? Did something come out of his arms or something?" I asked him if he meant like a bread-shooter or something, and he said, "Yeah." And I told him probably not, that it was a miracle (how do you explain that to a 3 year old?). A page or so later, we read the story of Jesus walking on that water, and Gabe wanted to understand what Jesus must have had on his feet to make that possible.

I have more thoughts on this...just having a hard time articulating and getting tired of sitting at the computer, so I'll end here, for now.


  1. That's really sweet. But I have to say, "a bread-shooter", I did laugh. Does Billy Mays sell that??

  2. This is such a great Christmas present, Dan! I'm amazed by Gabe's curiosity and his desire for knowledge. At 3!! It's nice that you have that special time with him each night and are able to read the Bible together.
