This afternoon, Sara's grandma saw a little baby toad in Norma's yard and she picked it up so Gabe could see it.
Gabe and I had a great time playing with it in the front yard. We named it Kermit.
Now, Gabe gets word mixed up sometimes. He calls Culver's "Clovers," etc.
Sara's aunt pulled in to Norma's driveway as Gabe and I were sitting on the lawn, watching Kermit sit in the plastic cup where we put him.
I asked Gabe if he wanted to tell Judy what we had. Naturally, in his enthusiasm, he was eager to share.
He ran to Judy's car and said, "Guess what me and Daddy found....A turd! Do you want to see it?" (She was a good sport...before I corrected Gabe, she said yes...I can only imagine the thoughts that ran through her mind as Gabe asked that and she saw me sitting, looking into this plastic cup.)
That one still has me cracking up...thought I'd share.